Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Silver Streak

Not much to blab about today, just sitting back to watch one of my favorite
Richard Pryor / Gene Wilder movies (not to mention Scatman Crothers - hell yeah!), the Silver Streak. Great stuff, and the first pairing of Wilder & Pryor (pretty much my generations Abbot & Costello you could say hehe).
Just watched Stir Crazy a couple of days ago & almost fell out my chair when I noticed it was directed by Sidney Poitier! Almost as surprised as when I realized Pryor had been one of the writers on Blazing Saddles (Mel Brooks kicks ass, Young Frankenstein being bar none the coolest spoof of all time, with Spaceballs being right behind - IMHO anyway *cough*).
Other than that, hurling some nifty tracks into the ether for the world at large to enjoy. My favorites of late:
Blue Man Group & Dave Matthews - Sing Along
The Avalanches - Frontier Psychiatrist
mc chris - Hijack

's 'bout it for the moment... Watched some Buffy the Vampire Slayer (up to Season 6, Disc 3 so far lol), some Angel (Season 3, Disc 3 at the mo'), and some Firefly (got the whole series & Serenity - fuckin' *LOVE* the show!) today... Sort of a Joss Whedon overdose, lol. Ah well, the guy's great at what he does & my girlfriend & I both have a blast watching his characters evolve. Granted, I'd rather be watching the continuing adventures of the crew of Red Dwarf, but although a movie is supposed to have been in the works, there hasn't been a peep in a couple of years. *sigh* I just keep hoping & checking, checking & hoping. I'll be pretty sad if it turns out to be another Good Omens - great book that was supposed to become a movie directed by Terry Gilliam, but fell through as things do.
Anyway, that's the news from here... I'll be back to work in the next day or two (w00t) and back on World of Warcraft (Finneghan, Horde - Kul Tiras) by this weekend (I'm stoked!). Fun fun...

Til next time,

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